Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best Ways for Spouse Lose Weight

Best Ways for Spouse Lose Weight 2011 :  Avoid Constant Nagging After your partner has decided to lose weight, don't continuously keep nagging him. Everybody gets bored of following routines, and can do with a break once in a while. If he has been sincerely working on his weight reduction, then once in a while let him have his favorite dish without you breathing down his neck, about the calories he is accumulating.

Make Working Out a Fun Activity
Working out doesn't have to mean going to the gym, and sweating it out with an iPod plugged in your ears. Do things together, like trekking, going for walks, hiking, joining a dance class, playing a sport, etc. Remember to play to workout, and not to win the game

Make Changes in the Kitchen
Starting a diet shouldn't imply giving up on your favorite foods and dishes. Try to substitute the fattening ingredients with suitable non-fat substitutes whenever possible, so that your spouse can enjoy his favorite dishes without piling on the pounds. 

Address the Root Cause of the Issue
Sometimes, there may be medical conditions causing weight gain, and your partner cannot help himself from putting on weight, and may be equally baffled. Ask your partner if he is OK with getting himself a check up. If not, try finding out the reason. 

Stock Up on Healthy Foods
Instead of keeping your refrigerator stocked with cakes, puddings, chocolates, and the like and your kitchen with chips and Cheetos, and other comfort foods, stock up on fresh fruits and healthy snacks.

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