Friday, July 8, 2011

Ways to Win Back Customers

Ways to Win Back Customers  2011 : Customer’s recommended action : This is incredibly simple but ignored so often. Ask the customer what they would like you to do to make them whole again. Empower the customer with part of the solution. Make him part of the team, not an adversary. Remember, this guy is torqued off and he has definite ideas on what you should do as a remedy. Customer recommendations are great for two reasons; first, making the customer part of the solution takes the edge out of their complaints, and second, you just may find answers that you weren’t aware of or that are less painful to your company than your solution would be. How do you behave when someone you do business with turns a problem into an unexpected, pleasant surprise? So do other people.

When the mower breaks and the customer returns it under warranty, you of course give her a new one. How about adding a coupon for gas or oil for the mower? The blouse stitching came apart? Try giving the person who returns it two blouses. Is this making sense to you yet? Give the lady one blouse and she says thanks and probably doesn’t shop at the store anymore.  
Author Tim Ferris of The Four Hour Workweek talks about this very thing in terms of what he calls a "Lose-Win Warranty" for your products, where the customer, in the event of a mishap, gets more than their money back.

Via : Customers  

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